Saturday, February 24, 2007

So, it's been five months...

So, it’s been five months for me in this big world! I don’t really know what that means, but my parents seem to think it’s a big deal and so we are having a fun five-month-birthday kind of celebration. Well how are you celebrating, you might be thinking to yourselves? Well, we are going to bed early! That’s how! Looking back, it’s been a big month for me… I had an epic family adventure over the Holidays, including visiting, airplanes, and even a trip to the emergency room! I got over my fear of bathtime and realized that cups are fun. I learned to roll from my back to my tummy. I can now squeal so loud it makes the cat leave the room. I can sit up for a second or two before starting to tip over… wheeeee! I can grab both my feet and make changing my diaper much more difficult!

So here’s to me, on my fifth month birthday!
peace out,
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