Friday, April 13, 2007

Mango Fandango

It has been said that necessity is the mother of invention. And so this morning, as I sit with my hot cup of coffee and my beautifully content child, I ponder the greatness of one such invention: the fresh food feeder.

Parenthood brings with it enough gear, accessories, and general plastic crap to make just about any mother or father a bonafide baby product expert. The useful and the useless are quickly sorted into their like piles, and those things found to be most essential are passed along to the next kiddo. And so it was that we were given the gift of the fresh food feeder. Our friend Becky dropped one by a few months ago after hearing that Isa had entered the realm of endless teething. (We're now at almost 5 month of teething and still no teeth, by the way.) Supposidely these things were great for sore gums... stick an ice cube in there and you're good to go. We found this to be true and have loved it for ice ever since.

But this morning, after the first rough night of sleep (or lack there of) in over a week, Isa and I discovered the next best thing... mangos! Yes, chunks of frozen organic mangos and one fresh food feeder equal one very happy baby. Ahhhh. I wasn't sure how a new fruit would go over this morning but I think we're in love. The frozen factor is perfect for the gums, the fruit is good for everything else. Before we knew it, she was covered in golden slime and giggling with satisfaction. Success.
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