Saturday, December 8, 2007

let it snow!

it's official! isa loves the snow now! we had a nice storm last night and it made for great playtime this morning. she stayed out for over an hour, helping everyone shovel and entertaining the neighbors! let is snow!

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Frogs Mom said...

So cute! Looks like her little hands are all toasty!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

you're so observant michele! yes, hands were very warm, even after an hour and a half. the secret to keeping them that way was to put her mittens on then her snowsuit and close over the cuffs... not so good for dexterity but great for keeping the fingers covered!

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Wow - lots of snow. Ours is melting and we are in 50's with rain today. Enjoy the snow ISA ! !