Saturday, December 6, 2008

ah, saturday!

it's been a nice saturday morning around these parts! we had two seperate sets of visitors this morning, which meant alot of sitting around chatting, catching up, holding babies, and entertaining toddlers. luckily all of our friends are great about interacting with isa too, and not just oogling over the new baby. this is appreciated all around. speaking of which, you might be wondering what's that bright colored thing on isa's head? that's a tutu of course, compliments of isa's friend charlotte. not only is it her "dancing skirt" but it's also her favorite hat! thanks charlotte :-)
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Mimi said...

Well the tutu looks cute no matter which end Isa decides to wear it! Love ya'll! Queen

Nanny said...

I have seen literally hundreds of tutu's on Etsy, but wasnt' sure how
one would "go over" with you. I figured Goosey would love one...what little girl wouldn't. So
glad she has one to dance in OR wear on her head. Sylvi always looks so peaceful in her pictures. Sounds like a nice Saturday to me. See you in 3 days. XOXOXOX

Emmie Grace said...

Sylvi's resemblance to her daddy is unreal!! She is precious Blair!!! I just want to call her baby Philina!! Congrats on her, she's adorable!!! and the original "Miss Baby" is too cute in her tutu!!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

philina! that one cracks me up! i think i am starting to agree that she looks like her daddy... she definately has his hairline!

veganf said...

Holy hair Batman! You're gonna have some big fun with hair pretties soon!! Cute!

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

I use to wear tutu's for my long beautiful tresses and one for my dress. So, completely normal in my I agree with everyone else. and I love Philina... why not?? lol sorry.. ahem..