Sunday, July 29, 2007

Return of the PJs...

Some of you may have noticed that Isa is actually wearing clothing in the last few posts. Sigh of relief. It is actually cool enough to get dressed these days! She can sleep in pajamas again! The Mommy loves Miss Baby in her pajamas. She is even more soft and snuggly and sweet it seems. Now we all know the clothes don't make the baby but who can resist cute PJs? Exactly.

Speaking of which, the Mommy was pleasantly surprised to find that these fabulous orange and yellow striped Hanna Andersson zippers still fit. They are size 2-6mo afterall. I guess that's a benefit of having a little peanut of a baby... those cute PJs last even longer. Sweet. And for those you not already obsessed with Hanna Andersson pajamas-- go check them out. They are organic cotton, they last for-e-ver (through multiple kids), they are amazingly cute, quick to put on, and not coated in nasty fire-retardant chemicals. Posted by Picasa


Frogs Mom said...

Ah yes, you've converted me to the zippers. :) They've changed them recently though so they're more form fitting (and meeting US safety standards for kids pjs - they either have to be form fitting or fire retardant) so I'm not sure if I'm going to love them as much.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

i hadn't really thought about the form fitting thing much. what did you learn? how tight do they have to be? she is still totally swimming in her 70s so these are the only zippers that would qualify i bet. hmmm. maybe an excuse to buy more? hardly. but a nice idea!

Frogs Mom said...

I haven't researched the actual requirements but the ones that do meet them have a long yellow tag that mentions the form fitting requirement or flame retardant bit. Of course we dress Lucas in whatever the heck we want regardless of the actual designation as 'pjs.'

They didn't have Lucas' size in store (80) so they ordered it for me - hurray for free shipping to my door!

I'll match up the new and old sizes together and take a pic for you to see the difference. The new 70s would fit a lot slimmer than the old style.

I originally bought the long johns in the pattern you linked to but when I got them home and really looked at them, I realized that there would be no way Lucas would let us dress him in them. At least with the zipper we'd have some loose fabric when putting an arm in.