Sunday, July 1, 2007

Wedding Weekend

Well, we made it home folks! Whew. Finally. Isa did great on the planes, which was a nice treat for everyone within earshot. She was mostly pleasant and found easy distraction in all the new sights and sounds of travel. The Mommy however, has very sore arms from wrestling with an 18lb baby for three flights and numerous hours in the airport. Keeping Isa under wraps and in arms reminds me of something a wise mother once said... "it's like trying to put a ferret in a bottle." Indeed. The Mommy had several pet ferretts as a child and come to think of it, none of them were quite as squirmy as Miss Baby. Good thing she is so much cuter than any old ferret too.

So after our travels on Friday we spent a nice quiet evening with friends in Teton Valley, then lounged around early Saturday while Miss Baby took a 3.5 hour morning nap. Beautiful. That evening we attended a fabulous wedding (cheers to Kate and Kevin!) up at the ski hill and proceeded to rub elbows with many good friends. Isa had a blast and was enthralled with the music and laughter and general good ole fashion fun. She even did a little booging on the dance floor with the Daddy. Once again, Miss Baby was a trooper and stayed up way past her bedtime so that her folks could enjoy a little socializing. Thanks Isa!
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Frogs Mom said...

I guess it's ok for little babies to wear white to weddings. ;)

So cute to see Isa on the dance floor!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yeah, the formality goes out of the window at mountain hippy weddings! hehe. ;-)