Friday, September 28, 2007

the dinner band...

isa and willow sure know how to have a good time at dinner. luckily we were the only people sitting outside!


Nanny said...

HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure anyone who was in ear
range would have loved it to.
You go girls.

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

OH MY ! That was hilarious. So enjoyable ! I hope they got paid for their performance!

Frogs Mom said...

So the real question is: are they having a good time because of the beer? ;)

Okay, so it's not really the real question, but I wanted to point out the beer and couldn't think of another way to do it than this.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

ah yes, the brewski. it was not so strategically placed, huh!