Thursday, September 20, 2007

we're back!

the return trip went off without a hitch (or any spilling of bodily fluids) and we are home safe and sound. and tired. very tired. we were happy to be home and to return to a clean and comfy little house. which has also become the home, apparently, to a very cute little mouse. he (or she) is living under our fridge at the moment, though the daddy feels sure that his homemade mouse trap will have that little sucker outta here in no time. we'll see about that. but for now, miss baby sleeps and we are not far behind. more pics of the little vacation to come, so stay tuned (if aunt amanda or gramma schneider is reading this, we need some pics please!).
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Frogs Mom said...

What a cute picture! :) I have a little change purse from that same fabric (go Etsy!). Is that a little blanket?

Nanny said...

If that's not content, I don't know what is!!!! So glad you
all made it home safe, sound,
and I'm sure rested. Can't wait
for more pictures. Also, (HINT,
HINT,) a video would be great!!!!
Love and hugs to you all.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

michele-- they are zutano pants actually, the zoo print. we normally dont do zoo stuff but these were too cute with the little trees!

and nanny, patience is a virtue you know ;-) isa says thanks for the carseat... looks comfy huh!

Frogs Mom said...

Oh that's why I recognize it (and probably why I subconsciously liked the etsy fabric)! We have the pants and the matching hat in two sizes (as I somehow seemed to either of shrunk the sun hat or it's just smaller). We don't do zoo stuff either. He has a long sleeve red shirt too to match. :) They can be twins!