Monday, October 29, 2007

a little isa update...

so it's been a while since we posted about what isa is up to. back in the day (like six months ago) we were pretty on the ball with reporting the developments of the day, showing off new skills, etc. and while the developments haven't slowed down, the reporting has. so, what's isa up to these days? alot.

first of all, she is quite the coordinated little booger. she walks really well and never ceases to amaze us with her good balance. of course there are still those toddler spills, busted lips, bumped noggings, and what not. but for the most part, she is a pretty motor-drive little girl.

she has a shoe fetish, already. and an obsession with bags. we hope those pass, being that our lifestyle could not keep up with such expensive habits. she is very particular about what shoes she wants to wear and if you forget to put them on she will go and pick them out and bring them back to you. and don't even think about putting on a different pair... bad move. chaos ensues. the girl has her tastes apparently.

she still isn't much of a talker, though she does surprise us with new words every now and then. like dada, mama, dog, go, duck, bubba, ball. she rarely says them more than once or twice though so you'd better be listening. she has become quite the signer. anyone who has been around her for very long can atest to that-- especially the sign for "food". she does it pretty much all day long and she really means it. among her other favorite signs lately are tired, goodnight, more, drink/milk, baby, and a few others that pop up here and there.

speaking of asking for food-- this child can eat! all day long! it seems, luckily, that she got her daddy's metabolism. she would eat all day long if there was food in front of her. and if there isn't it, then she keeps asking for it! but all that walking just burns the calories away. the little busy body is pretty darn skinny, with the exception of her cheeks of course. she still weighs about 18lbs and is about 28 inches tall.

phew. so how's that for an update?


Nanny said...

Keep updating...I never get tired of catching up on her latest
"doings". Have to admit, she comes
by the shoe/bag thing from her Nanny. That's ok, Isa, Nanny will buy you whatever you like.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

i'm printing that statement out, just so you know ;-) so she can call YOU and throw a fit over her latest shoe/bag wants! hehe.


Emmie Grace said...

We can definitely vouch for the signing and eating!!! She amazed me with how much she ate and how well she signed in Ga!!