Tuesday, October 2, 2007

park play

the park is just about the perfect place to be these days. the crowds of summer are gone (or back in school), the weather is cool, and the babies are all over the place. anyone who has ever been to this park knows how great it is. and isa and willow are taking full advantage of it! isa's newest gig is going down the baby slide on her own, with someone at the bottom to catch of course. although if you do it once, you'd better be ready to do it about fifteen more times. yes, that lesson has been learned! the girl likes the slide. on another note, don't they girls look like old ladies chatting at the lunch counter in the last pic? priceless.
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1 comment:

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

So glad to know Isa will have a bunch of friends her age to grow up with. It does make a difference when they are older. I knew Isa was a "slider"....lol