Friday, November 30, 2007

cleaning the memory card...

this one is for the grandparents, who seemed to appreciate the last cleaning of the memory card! note isa's new perch in the first photo... where better to do your reading and eat your snack than on the coffee table? and the rest are "out takes" from another photo shoot. and yes, she is teething like it's her job, as you can see from the constant "fingers in mouth" pose.
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Floaterie said...

ok--seriously blair--your daughter is the cutest child ever. I mean, rubes is cute and all but, good gravy lady---good gene passing! =)

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

hey now, hey now! this coming from the mother of ruby and donovan? you did some good gene passing yourself lady!

but thanks, of course :-)

Frogs Mom said...

Cute pictures. :) I see she still has in her little clippie. Good Isa!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yes! exactly michelle... good eye ;-) this is one my mom and i made way back when and it's got a smaller clip... for some reason it stayed in for a HALF HOUR. minor miracle.

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Loved the bottom pic. Thanks for all the pics... sometimes I have to wipe the drool from my mouth. I am actually aching to see her She has changed and grown so much again! Slow down - wait for us !! Miss you loads xoxo