Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Fifteen Months Isa!

This is a little Happy Birthday and Post-Turkey Day wrapup. Yesterday was actually Isa's fifteen month bday but amidst all of the hussle and bussle and cooking of food, we didn't get a chance to post. It was a nice Thanksgiving and we enjoyed the stress-free dinner with good friends, who whipped up one good bird and lots of other traditional Thanksgiving fair. Yum. Miss Baby had her fill of everything but was most pleased with the mashed potatoes... no surprise there.

So, what's new with Miss Baby (aka: the Big Girl) lately? Alot actually. She is not much of a baby anymore and can run and climb and throw temper tantrums with them best of 'em. She seems to understand almost everything we say, particularly when words are directed at her. Although we think part of her frustration (in addition to now constant teething) is that she wants to be more grown up than she is. And she can't tell us so. Like eating pears like a big kid (notice that right hand), sitting in the big chairs, etc. She os also recognizing pictures of herself too, which is pretty amusing. She is actually asking to see the image of herself in the camera in this photo. She will scream YAYA, her word for baby, until you show her the screen-- at which point she grabs it and pulls it up to her face and smiles and kisses it. We hope it's more of a cute baby thing than over the top ego! Guess we'll have to wait and see on that one!
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Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Glad your Thanksgiving was to your liking ISA! Such a big girl - happy 15-mo b-day. Nice pic.

Floaterie said...

Good gobble gobble day!! yay! 15 months--can you believe it?? so fast!....happy happy! =)

Nanny said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ISA. You are getting to be such a big girl. I love and miss you.

Carrie said...

Hi there,
Just came over to say hi. I found you by looking at the referring links to my blog. And, lookie, over there on your sidebar. . .it's me! I think you're the only person to link to my little recipe site. Thank you for checking it out! Your little Isabel is a doll and I love the wonderful tiny clothes you make. Just precious. Hope you are having wonderful fall.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

oh thanks carrie! i love your recipes... now if i could just fine the time to cook! thanks for stopping by!!