Friday, May 2, 2008

flashback friday!

what did you think i forgot? here are isa and daddy last summer-- the goose was 9 months old. it's not nearly so green in the mountains right now... it's been snowing for the last two days. so the sunny, green picture seemed like a hopeful touch today! come on spring!
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Nanny said...

Can hardly believe how much Isa has grown and changed. Hope you get some spring weather soon...if not, you will have plenty of HOT weather in a couple of weeks. Got the sand pail, shovel and molds already packed. See you soon. xoxoxoxox

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

How cute! Her lovely chubbiness! and I don't mean the Granpa is busy packing up the kite for you. Enjoy GA. xoxox send pics.