Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the children's museum

we haven't been to the local children's museum in ages! but today was a good day for a playdate with charlotte and the air conditioned museum never fails to keep to the kiddos occupied. it's not a huge space, but for a small town it's a great resource. we hope to take advantage of it more this winter, when isa needs entertaining and the mommy needs a nice place to sit and watch! the fact that it's only a block away is another bonus. our friend morgan was there today too, which was even better, since she loves isa and isa loves her... good times, good times.


Unknown said...

Looks like a super fun place for kids and Mommies. Renee looked like she was able to sit and "rest" too. Very impressed with it all for a town the size of Lander. XOXOXOXO

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

I love to watch "discovery" in their faces when they are playing or touching something new and different. WTG ISA hugsss and kissess Gramma and PopPop

Sophia Janet said...

I need a place like that down here. Looks like it may be just as enjoyable for all the tired moms as it is for the wired kids. Isa's hair is getting so long!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yep-- it's just a nice for the moms as it is for the kids! especially now that isa can navigate on her own and isn't putting everything in her mouth.

kristin- i'd be shocked if a city as big as orlando didn't have something already!

Unknown said...

Just to clarify.....mom left the comment below, under my name by accident. That would be creepy. I'm pretty sure I've never called anything super fun!

aunt Kriss said...

I didn't think that sounded like Cuyler.:)
It really does look like a nice place to spend an afternoon. In Bainbridge the park on College Street or Mickey D's playland is about as fancy as it gets.