Thursday, August 28, 2008

of funerals and viruses...

... yeah, it's been that kind of week around here. sigh. least important things first-- i paid a nice chunk of money last night to have my computer thoroughly cleaned. the poor man (who called himself 'Sebastian') in that Indian call center had his work cut out for him. and while i scoffed at the price tag for fixing my computer at first, nearly five hours later i was fully appreciative and very, very grateful. it turns out that my desktop was infected with the Antivirus2009... a name which made the techies in that Indian call center gasp. great. luckily it was found and cleaned before it wiped out my entire machine, including ALL of our pictures of isa, all my business info, everything. note to self: back up the pictures and don't accidentally open spam email or pop ups. in the end i was glad i didn't try to do it myself and was very pleased with the service. if any of you dear readers should have the misfortune of encountering this virus in the future, shoot me a note and i'll send you the company recommendations.

on a more important note, we are leaving tomorrow to travel back East for my grandfather's funeral. very sad but true. it will doubtlessly be a sad and long trip. getting last minute airline tickets from here in bumble is like trying to make a pony magically appear out of thin air. no small feat. no small price tag either. but we did get tickets and off we go. all peaceful thoughts are much needed and appreciated. see you next thursday...


Floaterie said...

oh Blair (and Family)~~

My heart goes out to you and yours. I will be thinking calming thoughts for you all.

My deepest sympathies.


Sophia Janet said...

So sorry about your grandfather. My thoughts will be with you guys throughout your trip back east. I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys. (Especially Miss Isa!)

Nanny said...

I so hate that you are coming "home" for that reason, but
glad I am going to get an unexpected visit with you. Didn't expect to see any of you until the big arrival in December. Have a safe trip. Love and hugs. XOXOXO

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Blair - your family is in our thoughts and prayers and we are so very sorry to hear of your loss. Safe travels for all...
Gramma and PopPop