Thursday, February 19, 2009

A is for Artist

this winter has been all about art in this house. isa loves pretty much anything to do with it and mommy doesn't mind it either. the toddler art classes have been great motivation as well, and a good lesson that almost any object can be used for a toddler art project. so we've stocked isa's little desk (which now has a lock, mind you) with crayons, markers, scissors, glue, glitter, paper and other supplies. we've also strung up some ribbon for her to display her masterpieces-- she loves this part and is quite proud of what she's created.
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1 comment:

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Your Great-Gramma Arline would be soo proud of you ISA! Keep up the great work! Art is in your genes!
Love you much xoxoxoxo