Monday, May 7, 2007

Fun with Numbers

Guess who just keeps growing? That's right, it's Miss Isa. She had an informal weigh-in this morning at 8.5 months (there is a nifty little counter for this at the bottom of the page, by the way) and she is still a little peanut. Although those chubby legs can be decieving, she is only 16lbs, 9oz and 25.5 inches long. That puts her in the 13th percentile for weight & the 3rd percentile for height! Yep, that means she's still short-- just like you know who.
The growth chart, which seems to be all the rave these days, shows that her growth is slowing down a bit which is normal and expected in a breastfed baby at her age. But, if numbers just aren't your thing and you don't do percentiles, you can atleast see for yourself that she is still quite cute! And still growing too!
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