Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So how 'bout those cloth diapers?

It's amazing the conversations that soon-to-be and newly initiated parents can have about babies and their bowels. Poop, to be frank. And many of those conversation lead to the ole diaper debate. Cloth or disposibles? Environment, economy, convenience... the sub topics can go on and on. But that is not the point of this post. Many of you have asked from time to time how the cloth diaper thing is going? Are we still doing it? Are we glad? The answer... a resounding YES! It's fabulous, actually.

Venturing into the world of cloth diapers can be the epitome of overwhelming. Styles, varieties, brands, blah, blah, blah. After much research, browsing, and testing, we have ended up using a diaper called Fuzzi Bunz. Ah the trusty ole Fuzzi Bunz. They're like you're favorite beer or your sweet old dog... reliable and dependable at the end of the day. They've weathered the longest car rides and the worst blow outs and still they are fantastic.

At this point, we've probably saved close to a grand in what we would have spent on disposibles. And while we do use a 'sposie at night and for the rare travel outing, we are very pleased with the path we've chosen when it comes to Isa's britches. Of course there is peace of mind knowing that we are doing something good for the Earth as well, which is always an added bonus. And at 9 months, Isa has never had a diaper rash (*shameless gloating*). Oh, and for the record, it's surprisingly not gross too, just in case anyone was wondering ;-)

note: cute picture of baby in said diapers will be added tomorrow.


Frogs Mom said...

Ah yes, showing off the cloth diaper covers - so much fun! Seriously we have to look at these things 20 times a day and it's so nice not to have to look at Mickey Mouse or the Lion King. Over.And.Over.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yes! you are right! i am glad i am not the only one who thinks that. i have to say, as much as i like the fuzzi bunz, i do miss the uber cushy, soft, and pretty stuff... like swaddlebees organic velour, oh dear! i'd wear those myself! ok, maybe not, but i do like alot.