Friday, May 18, 2007

Here fishy fishies...

It's almost swim time for Miss Isa! Woohoo! Swimming lessons start next week and we cannot wait! We are very lucky, here in Lander, to have a really great indoor pool and a fabulous Parks and Rec department. Isa and parent(s) are signed up for the first three week session of the summer. These are more of a "getting to know the water" deal than actually teaching them how to swim; lessons entail allowing baby to go underwater, show off their natural kicking reflexes, and splashing around for fun. When the Mommy called to sign up, the lady answering the phone wanted to know if Isa was "okay with being in water." I tried to restrain my laughter... did she not know, had she not heard? Miss Baby lives for her bath! Oh, and thanks go out to the Nanny for finding such a super cute swimsuit that did not involve triangle bikini tops and thong-like bottoms! Take that trendy baby bathing suit designers!
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1 comment:

Frogs Mom said...

I bet you all will have a grand time in the big pool!