Saturday, March 8, 2008

as they say

a picture is worth a thousand words. and this one fits the bill. but since many of you may be wondering about the absence of new posts, we thought we'd explain. it's been an infirmary around here as of late. isa continues to cough and wheeze and snot. and the mommy had the misfortune of contracting some god awful food poisoning or stomach virus. not sure which. the dysentary and giardia and parasites of bolivia could not hold a candle to this sickness. BUT! we seem to be on the mend! three cheers for wellness! we even went to the Democratic caucus this morning, which was awesome! more on that to come, but in short it was really incredible to see so much enthusiam for the democratic process regardless of where your political loyalties may lie. so stay tuned for more pictures and a post-caucus wrap up!
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1 comment:

Floaterie said...

love.this.picture. ;-)