Saturday, March 15, 2008

crackin' the whip...

that'd be miss isa, cracking the whip on mommy. isa told me to share twice today. i have never heard her say the word, though she hears it alot when we are with friends and at the sitter. this morning i was sitting in front of her kitchen with my legs stretched out. sitting this way, she couldn't get close enough to play. so she picked up my foot, moved it over, looked at me and said, "share!" with a very furrowed brow. how dare that mommy not share the play kitchen space!

and if that we're not enough, she also "sssshed" me while i was feeding her! apparently i was being loud, as she put her finger up to her mouth and went, "shhhhhhh!" again with the furrowed brow.

good thing isa's around to keep me in check eh?


Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Oh yes - the things we learn from our children ! It is said a child shall lead them - pretty true there ?? This is when those "terrible twos" starts to happen... enjoy this time... write as much as you can in Isa's babybook.... you want to write down these events.. for "future" info. Love to all xoxoxo (way to go Isa- you are learning well)

Frogs Mom said...

Wow. Good thing we haven't been telling Lucas to 'share' much. ;) I love how they use the words and concepts they know and can articulate.

Frogs Mom said...

Hey have you always approved blog comments or is this new? Don't you have enough things on your plate?

Nanny said...

I agree with gramma and grampa
Schneider about writing it down in her baby book. I still enjoy looking back reading little anticdotes like that. See you day after tomorrow. I was also wondering about the approval of the blog entries.