Monday, March 31, 2008

big city livin'

we're back! bet some of you might have been wondering what had happened to us eh? well, we were on a little mini-vacation of sorts. in colorado. the daddy had a conference so isa and mommy tagged along for a little big city living. you know-- good food, nice hotels, indoor swimming pools, general consumption and gluttony, etc. it was great and we really enjoyed ourselves. even got to hang out with some friends we hadn't seen in a long time. the mommy got to spend her birthday money in actual brick and mortar stores (the luxury!) and even got to walk into a fabric store and buy some business things, while not shopping around on the internet. what would we do if there was actually a good fabric store within 300 miles? wow.

among the highlights was isa's trip to the denver children's museum! it was really an amazing place and one that we will definately visit again when we are back in the area. the original plan was to go to the zoo (which we also hear is spectacular) but the weather did not cooperate. we won't complain however, as the museum was a ton of fun. you can see for yourself in the slideshow; don't forget to read the captions! but speaking of weather, we are relieved to have come home a day early. as now the interstate is closed. classic wyoming weather. the drive back was actually slower than usual due to the conditions, so we are doubly glad to be back home safe and sound and riding out the spring storm in the comfort of home-- in our sleepy little mountain town, with only a handful of cars on main street, four stop lights, and general peace and quiet.

so now it's back to life as normal and the mommy is actually glad to get back to work. isa will be glad to get back to her routine. and the daddy, well... he'll keep working and traveling his little buns off. but he seems to be glad of that too!
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Nanny said...

So glad that I could share a day and night of the big city fun before spending almost a whole night in the Denver airport. Other than a few bumps along the way, my visit was awesome. Can't tell you how much I miss you all already. Hope to see you at the beach in May. XOXOXOXOXOX

Amanda said...

awww! Blair -- are you ever going to be IN any of the pictures?!?!?!

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

OMG! I'm so glad you all are back home! I was starting to have withdrawls! Thank you Nanny for saving me there and sending me pics! Sounds like a wonderful trip you had, and I can't believe you thought the daddy a geek - I mean lets be real - you were in a science museum. Looks like a really cool place and I'm glad you got to indulge! Take good care xoxo

Floaterie said...

what fun!

Isn't the DCM amazing? I used to go there with the kids I nannyed for in Boulder--so much fun!

Glad you got home safe! =)