Thursday, May 29, 2008

rainy wyoming?

that's pretty much an oximoron. or atleast we thought. it has rained almost daily here for weeks! luckily we missed most of it while we were away (our knee high grass was evidence though) but are now getting our fair share. wyoming has gotten more rain/snow this spring than it has in over a decade. and while we desperately need it, don't get me wrong, we're also ready for some sun and warmth too! so, that's my excuse for the lack of fun spring pictures since coming home. we just keep getting rained out. poor isa must think i am lying to her-- every day before her nap i say, "and when you get up, we'll go the park with your friend charlotte!" and every afternoon the clouds roll in, the thunder claps, and we stay put. time to think of more indoor activities i suppose.

but it does make for good snuggling weather, and that's always nice. especially these days when i would rather lay on the couch than do much else anyway. speaking of which, the ole shop re-opening has been postponed for a while longer. *gasp* until the singapore order gets finished/managed/tossed in the river, there is just not enough time and energy to keep up with retail orders. BUT as soon as this biggie is done, i am happy to announce that there will be NO wholesale orders for a long, long time.


Nanny said...

I know you are sick of the rain, but it sure will be nice for everything to be green instead of
brown or white. Hang in there...curl up on the couch with the Goosey and enjoy the sound of the rain your metal roof. Glad you are waiting to open the shop back up to retail move. Love and miss you all.

Frogs Mom said...

Noooooooooo! It's supposed to rain non-stop in Western Washington, not Wyoming! :)

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

don't worry michele, it's just a fluke. by the time you all get here, it'll be as parched as ever!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...
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Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

I guess its bound to happen once in a while. We have 17 yr locust here in Cincy to sing to us! UGH! Will be glad when that is over. Hang in there. Sing songs. Play games... xoxoxo hows the fan doin??

Floaterie said...

oh! I could use some of your rain right now--we just completely ripped up, tilled, and seeded our whole yard over! I am hoping we don't run our well dry!.....;-)