Sunday, June 1, 2008

finger paints!

just a quick weekend post... isa is sick with some sort of virus. we are hoping that it isn't Coxsackie virus, but we'll have to wait and see if she gets a rash. in the meantime, we've been sleeping alot and taking it easy. here are some pictures from Friday's finger painting adventure with Rene and Charlotte. isa seemed to enjoy it, but she got a little annoyed with her feet getting stuck to the paper-- she wanted to use her toes as well it seems!
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1 comment:

Nanny said...

So sorry you have a "bug", Goosey.
Enjoy all the popsicles and the
obviously warm weather. Get Mommy to take some pictures of your finger painting picture, too. Tell
Charlotte I said hello. Miss and love you. XOXOXOXOX