Thursday, October 30, 2008

the baby prepping continues...

not that i don't have a very long list of other things that i should be working on, but baby prepping in the ole sweatshop is alot more fun these days! of course, i can't seem to stop making scarves either. and while both of these things are a nice change from the usual sewing, i really should crack the whip and get on top of the growing list of christmas orders. in the meantime though, this lovely little baby gown will do! too bad the shop is going on maternity leave soon, otherwise these would be a nice addition... soft, sweet, and custom. not too shabby.

in other news, stay tuned for some long anticipated goosey pictures. the halloween festivities have begun already around here, so there will be some fun blog posts to come!
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Nanny said...

LOVE this. Are you making these?

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

i will likely do some for the shop when it reopens. and *might* make some for art in the afternoon if i can find the time (doubtful). cute though, huh? i've had the alphabet fabric for ages and never could decide what to do with it!

Floaterie said...

is this a hint of the name??......;-)

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Someone at work said... what is the "S" for??? I looked at them and said "Schneider"... what else???

Very nice... I may want to steel a panel of the "S" for a shirt for myself ! cute...