Tuesday, October 7, 2008

finally fall...

it's finally fall around here and we couldn't be more pleased! after all this hype over a cold winter, i was starting to wonder if it would ever really cool off. i mean, not that it's been that hot, but it has been unseasonably warm for september and october. apparently the weather gods were listening and as of this weekend, it's been picture perfect autumn weather. so the goose and i celebrated with a trip to see the horses this morning. there is a big field next to the park with three very sweet and friendly horses. so we dug up some of the last carrots from the garden and took them a treat. isa loves going to visit them and the first thing she said this morning as they walked up to the fence was, "hi buddy! have carrots!"
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1 comment:

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Isa looks like she enjoys Fall. Glad you got the chance to take a fun time with nature! xoxoxo