Thursday, October 2, 2008

is it friday yet?

nope. too bad. though it feels like it should be, as loooooong as this week has been! a round of a particularly nasty stomach bug got the best of us this week. what's worse than tossing your cookies with a horrid stomach virus? uhm, tossing your cookies when you're 7.5 months pregnant. yeah. though to be fair, phil (who is not pregnant) was awfully sick too, so he has my full sympathies as well. as for isa, so far so good. though i am not naive enough to believe that we could be so lucky... i mean really, what are the chances that phil and i get the nastiness and the toddler doesn't? not that i want to jinx us or anything, i'm just saying... here's to making it through to next week with no more puking, m'kay?


Nanny said...

I will say a little prayer for the Goosey to stay healthy, especially since the weekend it coming. Glad you and Phil are better. Take it easy and enjoy the weekend. Love and hugs to you all.

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

awww poor phil and blair... Isa be nice to them... stay well.. love to all xoxox