Thursday, August 9, 2007


here is a little video of isa and her new favorite food... scrambled eggs. she was quite enthusiastic about them this morning so we broke out the camera. she's also getting really good at reading the tone in our voices... just saying her name is a certain tone and she starts shaking her head no! she is also starting to sign "all done" and while it looks remarkable similar to a wave, she knows the difference. although even though she signs it, she clearly could go on eating eggs forever!


Emmie Grace said...

Yumm...Isa, you make eggs look really tasty!!! Can't wait until I'm old enough to try them. Oh..and we're off to the post office tomorrow to mail out your package. You'll have to let us know when you receive it.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

will do miss emmie... and oh let me tell you, those eggs are GOOD.


Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

I'm glad you like eggs Isa - you look like you are glad you like them too! WTG... you are eggs-cited!
Love gramma and grampa

Jennifer said...

So fun to see her eating her eggs. It was neat to see her signing too.
jen aka-
2 in August