Saturday, August 11, 2007

saturday in the park

Look who's a big girl all of the sudden. I mean really, doesn't she look like a little girl now? How did that happen anyway? In other exciting news, she started definately signing "more" today. She did it at breakfast and the Mommy thought it was a fluke, but then she did it repeatedly on the way home from the grocery store. New snacks are good motivators like that. It's the Miss Baby version, open handed rather than with closed fingers, but hey she knows and we understand! And as you can see from this video, she is pretty excited to put things on, like sunglasses, random clothing lying on the floor, her shoes, etc. Oh and she also does a serious Stevie Wonder impression (see video). Very exciting stuff.
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Emmie Grace said...

Goodness little lady, your not so little anymore!!Love the shorts!

Gregg, Mandi, Lucie, Griffin, Drew and Caleb said...

such a grown up girl! It's amazing, you wake up one morning and the babyness is swiftly going away.... *sigh*