Tuesday, August 7, 2007

it's official...

...she is not a little baby anymore. *sniff sniff* according to the Baby Book, or the parental bible, as we like to call it-- once they start walking around then they are officially "toddlers". and being that she can surely throw one heck of a tantrum now too, we figure that only bolsters the toddler title.

so now she spends her days walking about the house, body slamming her stuffed animals, trying to crawl onto table tops, and making a gigantic scene when she doesn't get what the wants. terrible twos? try terrible twelve. as in twleve months. good thing she's so cute!

on another miss baby note, guess who had eggs for the first time this morning? miss baby did. and she had no scary allergic reaction! phew *sigh of relief* given her issues with dairy and soy (still) we were worried about the eggs and held off until now. but we figured if she is going to eat egg-laden birthday cake soon, we'd better know if she's allergic right? i mean who wants to deal with that on their birthday? so she ate her scrambled eggs like she was absolutely starving and then looked around for more. yum.


Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Well, I'm sure you are just over-reacting dear - my grandchild would not throw a tantrum.(lol) She is always so cute and sweet and would never show any angst.(lol). (Blair- this is when the parents of the parents kind of snicker and say - ah ha ! Now you know what we went through.....) I'm just letting you know that this is all normal - and by the time she is 21 or so...(lol) it all goes away. Love you xoxo

Erin said...

Hmmm...your above comment sounds exactly like what my mother would say about this stage. Well, Elisabeth is a month and a half behind, but we've had the whole tantrum thing around for a while and I don't think it's going away anytime soon. But the walking I absolutely adore. It's so fun, isn't it? Did Isa already have her birthday?

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yes, the tantrums are quite interesting.

the walking is great though... but a crazy progression. she started taking steps at 9.5mo and took it easy, then she really started putting it together in the last week... and today she started running! what! i guess that's all it took and now she's FAST. her birthday isn't for a few weeks, btw.