Wednesday, March 12, 2008

sneaky peeky

a little glimpse of what's to come in the ole shop. fully reversible, pearl snap jumpers. ohhhh! we're doing another photo shoot with the fabulous kristy next week. can't wait! stay tuned!
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Sophia Janet said...

Ooh Blair, I LOVE this little dress. You really do have an eye for these things. I know I keep saying this, but I swear I have a huge order coming, so get ready.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

haha. glad you like it ;-) bring it on!

O.Shane Balloun said...

I meant (and started) to leave this comment the other day: Blair, 1) how thick is this fabric? Is it thick enough to make a sport-coat for a little boy? 2) Also, does this fabric come without the pink? I think I'd be willing to commission a little coat even with the pink, but just asking. 3) Would you be willing to make a sport-coat? If not, how about pants?

Also - I saw the alphabet fabric as well. Interested in something similar along that line.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

o shane: isn't that fabric awesome!! it comes in black and white and a royal blue background with bright numbers (don't think it has pink, but i'll double check). either way, i'll find some pics and send a link. it's mid-weight cotton, about the same as lucas' black sushi pants.

as for sport coats... hmmm... that might be over my head. but pants, definately!

blair :-)

O.Shane Balloun said...

If it's mid-weight cotton, then pants are probably best. Maybe a shirt too =). Show me the pictures, and I'll let you know

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

will do. the blue background one is great, but hard to find. i am contacting them to see if more will be distributed soon. in the meantime, still looking for a good pic :-)