Sunday, April 27, 2008


well, why not two videos in a day? here's another, slightly more amusing, one from this morning. isa really enjoys being on the couch, but it usually means alot of work for anyone within arms reach. the thing she loves most about the couch is jumping on it, flailing around, inadvertently falling off, etc. and as you can imagine, that gets old very fast. so i've been trying to reitterate that the couch is for sitting, not flailing. and so i remind her to please be "mellow" while she is there, so that the two of us can actually enjoy sitting. as you can see, it's hit or miss, but atleast she likes the word itself!


Nanny said...

Nanny says, "THANK YOU", Mommy, for
TWO videos in one day...must be living right!!!! Keep 'em coming. Love and hugs to you all. XOXOXOXO

Frogs Mom said...

Cute! Lucas is really loving jumping on the couch these days too. As long as he's not jumping on ME when I'm on the couch, I'm cool with it. At least for now!

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Well, now I feel spoiled ! Thank you so much ! Pretty cute, but I can see where it would get a little old. But, she was really working up wasn't she? Thanks so much for the treat! xoxoxo

Misty said...

Louis loved watching the video of Isa. I couldn't get him to say "mellow" though! :)