Sunday, April 6, 2008

weekend warrior

this is the first "normal" weekend we've had for a while and it was nice to get back in the swing of things. after so much travel it was a treat to just be here, all three of us, for an entire weekend. granted, weekends for the mommy mean full days of work (which are actually enjoyable, as i can finally cross things off the list!) and lots of quality time for goose and daddy. speaking of which, they unpacked and cleaned up the bike trailer this weekend and we took it for its first seasonal spin yesterday! now that isa is alot bigger, she appears to be even more comfortable and enjoyed a little en route entertainment of book reading (to herself). and today, the two also went swimming at the pool. every time we take isa to pool it confirms our suspicion that she is actually part fish. but that's another post entirely.

back to the weekend though-- it's usually a reminder of how long that perverbial list is getting, in terms of worky worky. i hired another "employee" last week and we got to do a little sewing together on saturday! i was floored by the amount of interest i received from the job posting too! Jessie, the newbie, will be a great addition and i am pleased to work with her. but all this growth really has me wondering how long the ole sweatshop can maintain itself. the question of "how big, how fast" has come to mind again and i am even more willing to look into manufacturing options for the near future. so, we'll see. but in the meatime, here's to more and longer weekends here at the sweatshop!

1 comment:

Floaterie said...

oh man--haven't you started teaching Isa the ins and outs of the machine yet? make that wee one earn her keep! hehe..;-)

Congrats on the new employee! **clapping** =)