Saturday, April 26, 2008

the sickness...

isa says, "look! no hands!" but on another note...

as if the last fifteen colds had not been enough? the sickness has struck again. awesome. isa and the mommy have been under the weather for a few days now, and while isa seems to be doing better today... well, the mommy? she would be content to crawl in bed for the next week and not come out! we are all so over being sick, yet we are still sick. sigh.

i am seriously considering closing the retail shop for the next month. not because that's the smart business thing to do, but because there is too much wholesale work to be done and still keep up with retail orders. i'm not complaining, really i'm not. but there just aren't enough hours in the day. granted, things will get much more manageable after may 7th or so, but then we head to georgia (and the beach! yay!) for a week and half and we'll have to pick up where we left off. at this point, there is plenty of wholesale work to be done through the summer (all going to singapore, oddly enough) and while i don't want to be close the retail shop all summer... well, when is enough enough? and while we're asking rhetorical questions, what the h*ll was i thinking anyway?
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Nanny said...

Hang in there Mommy...vacation is just around the corner. A little R&R will do wonders for you all. Just don't let the "cold bug" get on the plane with you. When you get back, you will probably be ready to start the shop up again. Can't wait to see you all. XOXOXO

Frogs Mom said...

Hmm - I can see that it would be tough to close the retail shop, but people do it all the time. Really, you need to care of your family first. Everything else should be second.