Wednesday, April 2, 2008

ok, so i'm impatient?

i just couldn't wait any longer! the dresses are up in the shop! kristy is in the process of getting the final pictures to me, but i couldn't wait any longer (and i was tired of being hounded by a certain retailer in malaysia. yes, malaysia... weird huh?). so the "still" photos are up and they will have to suffice for now. hopefully the beautiful action shots will be up shortly. but these aren't half bad in the meantime eh? go! go now! check them out would you!
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Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Gee Blair, I wish those were fashionable for older people too! They are adorable! I love the little bloomer covers (shorts- or whatever) Nice choice of fabrics! Hope you sell a bunch ! Will see you soon. xoxoxo

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yeah, i'd like some for me too... but something tells me they wouldn't be nearly as cute... haha!

glad you like em! you'll see them in person soon!


Emmie Grace said...

nice job blair!!! we love them!!