Sunday, November 2, 2008

maternity leave!

know what today is? it's the LAST day to place custom orders in the shop! that means anything that doesn't say 'ready to ship' so don't miss out! i know, i know... who closes a retail shop in the months before christmas? well, me i suppose. maternity leave starts tomorrow! and while i am sad to miss out on all the etsy holiday goodness, i am very much looking forward to scaling back for a while and taking a break. so if there's something you're looking for, go place your order now... tomorrow you might be out of luck!
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Nanny said... are officially on leave from the sweatshop. Sit back, relax, and
enjoy a few weeks of relative peace and quiet before the big arrival. Can't wait to get out there. Tell Goosey/Monkey hello from Nanny.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

well, no resting quite yet. i still have several weeks of orders to finish, plus getting ready for Art in the Afternoon. but there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Sophia Janet said...

Well, it is about time for a much deserved break. I really don't know how you do it all. (Try) to rest up!