Friday, November 21, 2008

twiddle, twiddle, twiddle...

we finally got a call back from the OB *gasp* which i suppose is a relief. still no definitive date, which is fine, though we do feel better that our concerns have been expressed. unfortunately i think we have a fundamental disagreement on the course of treatment and when to make the call to deliver. granted, he is the doctor and all, but something tells me he is just not used to patients who take an active role in their treatment, or pursue concerns, and (god forbid!) question him. oh what would we give to have options in this town? my wonderful midwife, on the other hand, is just about as good as they get. seriously. she still calls once or twice a week to check in, to ask if things are ok, to make sure our needs are being met... all of this despite the fact that i am no longer her patient anymore. ever since the craziness that was isa's birth, she has been a very dear person to us. and even more so now. god bless that woman, she's a good one!

all of that doctor business aside, it appears that we may be having this baby a few days after thanksgiving... perhaps on monday or tuesday (december 1st or 2nd). but being that things are unpredictable, who knows if they may change. but rest assured, fabulous blog readers, that we will keep you posted.

in the meantime, isa is very excited about the fact that "her bubba" is coming to visit all of the sudden! every time i remind her that he will be here in a few days, she starts squealing and clapping! and then nanny and then gramma and pop pop... i think we are going to have one very happy and spoiled toddler on our hands come spring! so be it.


Nanny said...

Spoiled toddlers are my speciality.
At least you will have several extra pairs of hands for a couple of months, which you will need. I can't wait to get out there. Just keep your fingers crossed that the weather cooperates. SEE YOU SOON!!

Lynnie said...

Good luck! I have enjoyed reading your blog for a few months now, so even though I don't know you personally, I feel excited for you during this wonderful time! Your Isa reminds me a tiny bit of my daughter Mayla, and Mayla LOVED becoming a big sister! I'll bet Isa will too! What an adventure! Best of luck!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

awww, thanks lynnie!

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Being pregnant is always a miracle. And, with miracles comes diversity.. and opinions.. everyones vs. the doctors... To quote the Beatles... Let It Be... in spite of all the opinions, this baby will be born !!! I'm sure you and Phil will be so relieved when the baby arrives and you can both welcome your NEW "normal LIVES" Praying for low level excitement from now until the "birth" day.. whenever that is... you are surrounded with love, enjoy that~~~ xoxox