Tuesday, November 4, 2008

movin' on up?

well, it seems that we dodged the bullet for a while, but now it has become clear that isa's time in a crib is coming to an end. the latest growth spurt has meant that she can get out with ease, quiet as a mouse. and while she is really proud of herself for this new feat, we are less than thrilled!

so here we are, trying to figure out what to do with the inopportune timing and the very strong-willed toddler. mostly likely we will skip the toddler bed step and move her straight into the twin bed with a bed rail and a step stool (to help her get back into bed when she inevitably gets out of it!). this would mean that she could also get used to the idea that her crib will soon be a shared crib with the newbie, something that i am guessing she is not going to like one bit! maybe if she's got a big girl bed all her own she will care less about the crib in the months to come? doubtful but maybe. here's hoping.


Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Well, well, little sneaky toddler huh? Must be from the Stone side of the family tree...lol She is a smart cookie.. she will love a "big girl" bed... make it a production... she will eat it up.
She may have to try one time with the newbie, but, I bet it will be easier than you think ! ! Life is an adventure... lets rock ! xoxoxo

Nanny said...

She will adjust...they all do. I agree with Gramma to make it a pretty big deal about it being for a big girl and big sister. Hopefully, she will cooperate and not wander into your bedroom every night...like someone I know!!!!!!
You might try putting up the safety gate that you used on the stairways...assuming that she won't climb over it. Whatever happens it will take time and patience on all our parts.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yeah, i am sure she won't STAY in the bed, atleast for a long while. but at this point there is little choice. one thing about this old house that might be advantageous is that she can't open her bedroom door (yet)... doesn't mean she won't stand at the door yelling at you, but atleast she won't be wondering the house at 2am. or so we think.