Friday, November 14, 2008


isa is very interested in getting herself dresses these days. well, that's when she wants to get dressed at all. but lately she is extra excited to take off her jammies by herself (then run around like a naked banshee for as long as she can) before trying to get herself dressed for the day. this morning she wanted to show daddy that she could do it herself! it went something like this, "mommy! take off my jammies? the zipper! put on cubbers! (as in diaper cover) cubbers! i put on self!" then she proceeded to put on the minkey diaper covers all by herself and run around screaming, "show daddy! show daddddddddddy!" as you can tell, she's also had a jump in her speech skills lately too. she's saying more correct and longer sentences on a regular basis.
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Nanny said...

Oh nearly got them on. It looks like maybe I came close to getting them the right size. Keep'll get them all the way up next time. Tell Mommy to PLEASE get your talking on video for us. Love and hugs. Have a great weekend.

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Isa, your Aunt Amanda would be so proud of you ! A girl after her heart ! You are growing up - that is for sure ! Love you all xoxoxo

Mimi said...

Well Isa, in the last picture it looks like you are wearing your shorts like they do here in the south!!!!!!!! Looks much cuter on you though. We miss you Isabel. Love ya, Bub & Queen