Wednesday, January 14, 2009

potty party

ok, it's really not so party like, but it sounded like a good title. the picture is amusing too. but in general, there is very little potty partying going on around here. there have been a few successes, but the persistant sickies, the return to the sitter two mornings a week, and general life craziness has meant that potty training has been distracted at best. and isa can't quite seem to decide whether she's up for it or not anyway. some days she throws fits for big girl panties, other days it's diapers or death (or so you'd think by the size of the tantrum). oh well. i seriously doubt she'll still be in diapers by the time she's a teenager right? so i suppose we'll get around to it eventually ;-)


Nanny said...

It just doesn't get any cuter than this. Hopefully, Charlotte's success will "rub off on" Isa. Just be patient and know, like you said, she WILL be potty trained sooner or later. I love you, Isa. XOXOXOXOXO

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

That is such a cute picture... I hope they don't get mad when they are older and see But it is nice that they want to "go" together!