Wednesday, January 14, 2009


i've had alot of people ask about the fate of Mountain Aven Baby, post-sylvi and in the midst of this new law absurdity. so i thought i'd do a little post to get folks up to speed. truthfully, it's pretty mysterious as to how much work i will be doing in the near future. small business enterprising has been fun and a welcome boost to the bank account, but being a 'sweatshop of one' might be hard to pull off after having another kiddo. as alot of you have heard, there is a real shortage of quality childcare around here, as well as quality preschools (which falls into the childcare catergory when it comes to me working). so even if i definately did want to keep the shop running at full speed, finding the time to do it may be the real challenge. honestly, i have really enjoyed it so far and while it's certainly not my life's calling, running the business has been a nice bridge between stay-at-home mothering and the outside world. i love etsy and have enjoyed interacting with customers in that type of venue. the money is good enough and it's a great creative outlet. so, assuming i can manage this two kid thing, continue to feel good about my childcare options in the meantime, and don't get shut down by a good law gone bad, then Mountain Aven Baby will hopefully live on! stay tuned!


Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

I've written my Senator and my Congresswoman and told my state Congressman about it as well (he goes to my church) He is just as angry as you are ! I had to tell him to calm down. I'm hoping someone will end this thing... and get back on the normalcy train.

Hang in !

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

thanks martha!!!! i REALLY appreciate it :-)