Saturday, January 10, 2009

slices of saturday

ah, saturdays. gotta love 'em. here are a few snapshots from our day. it was a mellow one that included alot of hanging out and not much else. we got out for a walk, played for a while, watched some netflix, cooked some dinner, and that was about it. isa is nursing a cold and phil and i are just getting over a stomach virus, so being low key was definately in order. while the sickies are no fun, it sure is nice have an excuse to take it easy. happy saturday!
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Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Sometimes those are the best Saturdays!! Enjoy them!! Glad you could all enjoy the "hanging out"... wish we could be there to hang out with all of you. Enjoy ~~ xoxoxo

Nanny said...

Glad you got the "rocket" sling in.I hope Sylvi will be as content as Isa on your walks. Would love to be walking with you all again. Miss you so much. Love and hugs to "the girls".