Sunday, January 6, 2008

blueberry pancakes

ah, the weekend! we love the weekend around here. it usually means a good breakfast, like pancakes or biscuits or scrambled eggs with bacon. saturday it was blueberry pancakes for the goose. as usual, she wasn't so convinced on the actual "pancake" part, but the girl does like her blueberry, even if she has to pick them out. and it looks like it was a good chance to ham it up as well.
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Nanny said...

Isa, thank Mommy for being so deligent with the pictures and videos don't realize how often I check each day, hoping
to see anything new. Really got my first good look at your 2 bottom teeth and the beginnings on the top ones. I love and miss you, Goosey.

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Can I ditto that?? Gramma