Friday, January 11, 2008

flashback friday...

ah yes, another installment of flashback friday. this was taken when isa was about 3 months old. looks at those pink cheeks! get ready for even more photos folks, as the mommy and daddy just got a new grown-up toy. many shots have been taken already, if we can just get the software installed correctly we'll be set! while a snazzy new (to us) camera is luxurious in any right, we thought since "the business" relies on super cute baby photos, we could somehow justify it. i am sure the grandparents will agree as long as the Isa pics keep coming right? right.
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Floaterie said...

Oh My.....!

How lovely Blair! She look like a little Inuit baby! so amazingly cute!

Nanny said...


Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

haha... we got that comment alot actually, particularly living next to the Shoshone Reservation! funny how different she looks now huh?

O.Shane Balloun said...

The 20D is a score! It will last you a long time.