Saturday, January 12, 2008

new camera experimenting...

let the experimenting (er, troubleshooting?) begin! here are some pics from the new camera. they aren't as perfect as they could be, but they are cute, so that counts for something right? now if we could just get the dang photo program to cooperate. sigh.
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Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

They came through clear and wonderful ! How about a shot of the 3 of you together! One big happy family?? huh?? how about it??? xoxo

Frogs Mom said...

These are cute! Look at all of that wet hair!

Getting to know a new camera and how to do all of the fancy stuff will take time.

We don't use any of the software that comes with the camera. We just use Picasa and O. does all of our photo editing there.

O.Shane Balloun said...

Free. Excellent:

The only better photo tools are Adobe Lightroom and Apple's Aperture. They cost $$$. =)

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

we use picasa and love it. it's so simple and has some good basic editing tools. i was refering to canons photo doodads... there was a problem with our pc and it recognizing the new camera... but it's all fixed now!

Nanny said...

Love the "wet head" pictures. Want to reach right into the monitor and pinch those sweet cheeks. Miss you so much.

O.Shane Balloun said...

Ah...the drivers for the camera. Those are always fun. Glad you got it resolved.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

yes, the drivers. glad you know the correct terms... i call it all "programs"... not much fun, but after a while it come together. there are some new experimental product pics up in the shop (that orange bird set and the giraffe onesie). still trying to figure out light and what not.

Emmie Grace said...

love these pics Isa, especially the last one!