Tuesday, April 8, 2008

she gets it!

ok, sorry but there are no super cute photos to accompany this post. but! there are lots of exciting developments in the world of isa lately. being that we are first time parents and new to this whole toddler thing-- we are completely blown away by the new things isa understands on a daily basis. for a while we wondered if it was a fluke, but more and more she is actually showing us how much she understands. every day it's something new... from puzzles to naming random body parts, to out of the blue observations while we are out and about.

most recently, we have been astonished by how much she understands in the way of commands. i can ask her to go put her clothes in the laundry (in her closet) and she will gather them up and take them to the basket. or if you ask her to get her blue hat, sure enough she goes and finds the only blue hat she owns. or if you ask her to go to the kitchen to find her milk... immediately she's off to the kitchen to find it and brings it right back to show you. some of the more amusing incidents involve conversation we might be having that are not directed towards her. like yesterday, she and phil were biking to the store and i recommended he take a blanket for her as it was getting chilly. so as soon as the words left my mouth, she walks across the house and into her room, opens her chest of blankets and brings one to daddy! say what?! who is this kid anyway?

so maybe this is normal 19 month old stuff, but for the newbies-- well, we're blown away and enjoying every minute of it!


Frogs Mom said...

I get it!

Sophia Janet said...

Very impressive, Miss Isa! And here I am, excited because my baby figured out how to grab her toes.

Amanda said...

Yes, it's exciting but you know what? It never gets dull, no matter how many kids you have. You get to be a newbie each time. We are coming upon one of my very favorite ages -- and then 4 is when it gets magical again because of the insights and questions...

Nanny said...

NO surprise to this grandmother. I witnessed many of these "Ah Ha" moments when I was out there a couple of weeks ago. Keep up the constant chatter with her because she is picking up more than you realize. Miss and love you all...