Wednesday, June 25, 2008

bets anyone?

ok, now all four molars are breaking the skin-- after receeding yet again over the past few days. any bets on when even *one* of them might come through for real? anyone?


Nanny said...

I'll put $10 on 2 days. I just hope they don't all come bursting
through at once...poor Goosey. I
love you and will be thinking about you.

Sophia Janet said...

Nanee, I'm going to pull the ol' "Price is Right" trick out of the bag and bet $10 on 2 days, 30 minutes. I bet I'm closer, but I sincerely hope that I'm incorrect. Good luck, Isa. I'll be calling your Mommy for advice when Sophie is coping with teething pains.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

haha... i hope you're both wrong! one of them seems to be coming in for sure this time (don't hold me too that though!) so we'll see. as for teething remedies... ask away, we have a whole list at this point!