Thursday, June 12, 2008

the sandbox!

we decided that it was a good time for a sandbox! and it just so happened that someone else around here was ready to get rid of one-- so it worked out well for everyone, particularly isa. today was the first day that it was up and ready for action, and while the weather is still a little dreary (50F, overcast, and windy), we decided to play anyway. so far she really likes it, though she is having to learn that throwing sand is a no no. guess you gotta learn that lesson sometime huh?
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Nanny said...

I must say, that sand is not as black as the dirt in the garden...much easier on the laundry. It's a good place for her
to play while the mommy and daddy are working in their own space. Wish she had the sand molds she played with at the beach. Have fun, Goosey. XOXOXXOX

Frogs Mom said...

Ah yes. There are many rules of sand. Don't put in your hair (Lucas' favorite), don't put in your pants, don't eat many things to learn.

Floaterie said...

oh what fun!! The chitlins at my house love their sandbox (although it's out of commission with the rest of the yard!).....but, yes, throwing sand and keeping it in the sandbox are lessons that take a while to stick....just ask my almost 5 year old! ;-)