Wednesday, June 18, 2008

the infamous molars

i have decided that for some children, teething is a cruel, cruel trick. and it just so happens that one of those poor souls is living in this house. as many of you know, isa is a slow teether and didn't get her first tooth until fourteen months. now, at almost 22 months, she still only has six of the pearly whites. fine by me, as they say this ensures more healthy teeth since they have more time to hang out in the shelter of her little gums. but the problem is that each tooth takes an eternity to actually complete it's journey out of the gums completely. at the moment, she has four molars that are bulging and red and clearly painful. two of these have been breaking the skin and then receeding back into her gums for over a WEEK. what gives? do the gods of teeth think this is funny? or character building? we certainly do not. enough is enough.


Floaterie said...

we are so with you. Except Rubes is working on her 2 year molars. with an ear infection. bring on the fun. and beverages. i'll have one for you. ;-)

Nanny said...

I am SO sorry, Goosey, that those teeth are giving you trouble. Just try to think of all the new, delicious things you can chow down on when they do get in. I love and miss you all so much. Be sweet and hang in there. XOXOXOXOX

Sophia Janet said...

No fun! I am NOT looking forward to watching Sophie suffer through that for the next couple of years. It'll be over soon, Isa! Hang in there!