Friday, June 27, 2008

water girl

a big highlight of isa's day is going out and helping with the watering. we spend alot of the afternoon and evening out in the yard and garden, so this a good way to keep her occupied (and from hauling down the sidewalk). good thing none of our plants are sensitive to over-watering... because isa has some that she really likes to water! the garden proves to be a little more complicated though, as isa doesn't appreciate that plants don't like to be intentionally stepped on! oops.

speaking of the garden, we had the most fabulous homemade pesto last night with basil from the garden! it was really stinkin' good, and made even more delicious by the fact that it came out of our backyard. at the moment the spinach is also growing by leaps and bounds, and while we eat alot of fresh spinach, there is more and more every day! yuummmmm.


Nanny said...

OH, Isa...what a help you are. The difference in your picture today and the flashback Friday one is unbelievable. Keep eating those homegrown veggies and you will grow even more. I love and miss you so much. XOXOXOXX

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

WAY TO GO ISA ! Glad you are watering the garden. That is a really good job to do ! I love that you have such a "wonder" about things... will make for a great imagination and problem solving when you get older. Great Job Isa ! (and parents, too, of course) love to all xoxox